Out of forgetfulness or laziness, many people leave their cell phones charging overnight. Indeed, this practice is far from being recommended, as it can harm the battery as well as other components of your phone. What is it really ? Let’s do a check in.
The battery life of a mobile phone largely depends on how you charge it. There are certain habits that can harm the battery and the life of your smartphone, among which, leaving the phone charging overnight. Although this gesture may seem innocuous, this practice can impact the performance of the battery and affect its lifespan. And not only!
Charging your phone overnight can harm the battery!
If you’re used to charging your phone overnight, you risk deteriorating its battery faster. Indeed, this practice harms the latter, by accelerating its aging. In effectas it ages, the chemical component inside it changes and becomes less efficient at storing and delivering energy to the phone. Therefore, if you want to extend your battery life, it is better to give up this bad habit. If you didn’t know, be aware that batteries age more slowly when their charge level oscillates between 30 and 50% and that it is constantly maintained between 30% and 80%. This happy medium will ensure the longevity of your smartphone’s battery.
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Letting your phone charge overnight. Source: spm
Leaving your smartphone to charge all night, other risks to be expected
Of course, charging your smartphone overnight can harm the battery and negatively impact it, but not only! Indeed, this practice could have other undesirable effects.
Keeping your phone plugged in to charge can cause a fire
Even when your phone reaches 100%, you hesitate to remove it from charging. Keep in mind that this can cause a fire hazard. If the charger is poor quality or damaged, the internal conductors may overheat, cause a short circuit and thus start a fire.
Fire caused by a phone charger. Source: spm
In addition, it is important to always charge your devices on a cold surface and away from flammable objects. In case of thunderstorms or storms, unplug all appliances to avoid overvoltage in your home.
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Continuously charging your phone increases your power consumption
Keeping multiple chargers plugged in empty or letting your devices charge overnight increases your energy consumption. This practice increases your electricity bill. Although the power consumption of a charger is considered insignificant, consuming unnecessary energy can have a major impact on the environment. Moreover, a charger plugged in empty and without use, deteriorates more quickly and risks working less well, thereafter. In addition, the high price of some certified chargers may be enough to discourage you from leaving them constantly plugged in without power, continuously.
As you will have understood, leaving your phone to charge overnight is a practice that is strongly discouraged, as it impacts the life of the battery as well as the performance of the phone.
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