Here’s Why Assassin’s Creed: Unity is the First in the Series to Include Co-op

Posted on the 23 June 2014 by Sameo452005 @iSamKulii

Assassin’s Creed games have always been strictly single-player only, with the added online multiplayer component. Assassin’s Creed: Unity is going to change that by being the first in the series to add co-op in the campaign.  
Senior producer Vincent Pontbriand spoke to CVG about the reasons behind the decision, “Because it’s very complicated to do. Assassin’s Creed was always a single-player game to begin with,” he said.
“It took us three games to introduce PvP (player versus player). It was in the same universe but you were playing as a Templar avatar in a very separate game mode. In Unity, we set out to unify all these game modes into a single experience.
“That’s when we decided that co-op should be the next main focus but in order to do that we had to rebuild all of our systems to allow them to be replicated over a network and working online. So it took years of development to reproduce and redraft all of our sandbox features for a shared online experience.”