Here’s What Michelle Phan Can Teach You About Viral Blogging

By Stacylrust

One of the questions I often get from clients is, “how do I write blog posts that people actually read and share?”

Here’s the annoying thing about blogging…

You can write and write, but what if nobody reads your stuff?

If nobody reads or shares your content, blogging can start to feel like a big, fat, frustrating waste of time! (and you’ve got better things to do)

But, there are actually steps you can take to see better results. The big shots of the blogging world aren’t just lucky… they just follow some time-tested principles.

The proof? Michelle Phan.

Michelle Phan is a makeup artist and YouTube sensation that started creating makeup tutorial videos in 2007. Michelle has produced and starred in over 250 videos which have been viewed over 770 million times. She is recognized as the #1 beauty expert on YouTube and ranks 2nd in subscribed females, with over 4.6 million subscribers.

She has also launched the beauty social network and sampling program IPSY and hosted the Generation Beauty conference for the beauty industry. She also serves as the Executive Producer of the YouTube network FAWN (For All Women Network).

She is certainly one to watch in the YouTube space, and she can teach us a lot about blogging.

Michelle Phan has achieved her success through “how-to” video posts. These types of posts are a great way to demonstrate your expertise, position you as a leader in your field, and teach your audience something new and valuable.

So, if you’re stumped for a topic for this week’s blog post, consider a “how-to” blog post. 

Here’s what Michelle Phan can teach us about “how-to” blog posts:

1. Simplicity Wins

One of the reasons Michelle Phan’s videos have gone viral is simplicity. She gives simple demos that teach women top makeup techniques step-by-step.

Because her videos are simple and easy to digest, Michelle’s followers actually get results from her videos. She has designed her instructions to be so easy and effective that her audience actually DOES what she teaches them to do. She demonstrates her own results on camera to provide motivation and encourage action.

Whether the blog post is long or short, remember to keep your content simple and digestible. Don’t overwhelm your audience with a complicated process. Give your readers quick lists, helpful tools, and simple tips to get results.

When your followers see results, they will become lifelong fans.

When you’re writing your own blog posts, ask the question “will my audience actually DO what I’m teaching them?” Design your blog posts accordingly. Outline action steps and provide encouragement and support.

2. Educational Posts Position You as a Leader & Expert

Michelle Phan has positioned herself as a leader in her industry. Through her demo videos, she has emerged as the go-to resource for makeup tips and techniques.

When you take the time to teach others what you know, you step into a leadership role. The better results your readers experience, the more quickly your reputation will flourish as an expert.

Michelle Phan teaches her followers how to get incredible results through her expert methods. She shows that she deeply understands cosmetology and has experience with a wide variety of products and techniques by showcasing difference cosmetics and applicators.

Her videos send a strong message of credibility to her audience. She’s done her homework, and her audience can tell.

3. Social Sharing is the Key to Growth

Michelle Phan has experienced fast growth and success through social sharing. Her audience is extremely loyal, regularly sharing her content through the social networks.

“How-To” blog posts tend to be shared frequently (in comparison to other types of posts) due to their relevance and applicability. Because her videos are so practical, her “how-to” posts are often shared, bringing her new followers every day.

The better results your followers see, the more likely they are to share your content, which is why “how-to” posts are great for reaching new people and building your community.

If you’re not sure what to write about on your blog, “how-to” blog posts are my #1 suggestion. (NOTE: “How-To” topics are also very search-friendly, as the phrase “how to” is one of the most common search terms online.)

So, pick a topic that you get a lot of questions about, and break it down into a simple, easy-to-digest blog post. Give your audience clear action steps and cheer them on. Remember, the better their results, the more likely they are to share your content with their friends (win-win!).

Now, here are my action steps for you:

  1. Think of 3 simple topics you could turn into “how-to” blog posts.
  2. For each topic, highlight the 3 most important action steps.
  3. As you write your blog post, ask yourself “will my audience actually DO what I’m teaching them?” and design your post accordingly.

Share your 3 how-to topics in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you!