Here Comes the New Year...

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
Its nearly the end of 2012 and i have been thinking back over the past year and i cant believe that i have accomplished so much this year.
Here's a run down of my blog online history of the year:
1. My blog has grown at a major rate and i am getting roughly 50 page views a day and i have passed 13000 page views on this blog alone.
2. I released a time lapse video on to my you tube channel that has had 25 views which i am very happy about and it has spared me on to make a new video each month now.
3. My games blog has been left neglected but i hope to bring that back in the early part of next year but it is still getting views and comments on some of the old server stuff.
4. Project 365 planning is going well and it should be on schedule.
5.  this year has been better than ever for content on the blog and i hope to top that next year.
My plans for 2013:
1. Blog at least once a week on this blog.
2. Run project 365 for the year and not give up.
3. Improve my gaming setup on my main computer so i can do more gaming related posts
4. Get my new camera ready for summer
5. Be more active in the online community
Thank you to everyone that has supported me over the past year and kept this blog going and i hope to bring you better content next year and run a few competitions for my readers.
 Thank you for reading and supporting the blog.