Here Are 27 Questions That Will Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

Posted on the 10 February 2019 by Stormfiber

Love is an intrinsic connection between two people, and becoming intrinsically connecting on a mental and at times spiritual level. These connections are usually established and strengthened by body language and verbal interaction, along with physical interaction as well, and using the power of words we’ve written this article to give you a set of a few love questions and also with tricky love questions that can help anyone fall in love with you.

But Before we go into the 27 love questions that can make anyone fall in love with you, lets take a minute to understand why these 27 love questions to ask are actually work.

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In these love questions Words are powerful. I’ve mentioned that before, and they are responsible for the connections that we make, they are the means by which we convey our feelings and desires, in-fact I’ll go as far as to say that they are our thoughts’ gateway to the conscious world and to the people around us.

Now, psychologist Author Aron decided to explore this concept and listed out a few love questions to ask a girl (in three sets) that hypothetically when passed between two people can make them become more emotionally and mentally connected with each other.

Love Questions to Ask

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The psycologist involved in the study had some interesting insight on the study itself, telling us that if two people can be genuinely vulnerable with each other they will become closer instantly.

“One key pattern associated with the development of a close relationship among peers is sustained, escalating, reciprocal, personal self-disclosure.”

Each set of questions about love that make you think are divided to better understand the person your doing the experiment with while later questions focus on more personal ideas and revolve around what is and what can be between the two people. Lets take a look at the 27 love question gam first;

Set 1:

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If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, anyone at all, who would you choose?

Have you ever though about being famous, if so, in what way would you want to be?

Before you talk to someone on the phone, do you rehearse what you’re going to tell them, if you do, why do you do it?

What is your definition of a perfect day? What would have to happen?

When was the last time you sang for someone? When was the last time you sang for yourself?

Do you have any idea how your going to die? Have you ever thought about it, even a little bit?

What are you most thankful for in your life? What do you consider a blessing?

Take four minutes, and tell your partner your life story and don’t leave anything important out.

What do you value more the most in friendship? Have you ever found that quality in a friend?

Out of all your memories which one do you treasure the most?

Set 2:

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Do you have a dream you’ve wanted to achieve for a while, if so, what is it and why haven’t you gotten their yet?

What is the biggest thing you’ve accomplished in your life?

If a crystal ball or something along the lines could tell you anything you wanted to know, what would you ask it?

What is your most terrible memory among all your bad memories?

What roles do love and affection play in your life?

Do you feel like you and your family is close?

Do you feel your childhood was happy? Was it happier than most?

How is your relationship with your mother, how would you define it?

If you knew today that you were about to die suddenly in a years time, would you change anything about your current lifestyle now, if you would, why?

Set 3:

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Make three statements that with we and are currently true, like “We are sitting together in this room and are feeling odd.”  Or something along the lines.

If you were going to become close friends with the person your doing this exercise with, what would be the most important thing that you would need to know about them?

Your house is one fire and everything is burning, after saving your loved ones and pets if you have any, you decide to go in to save just one item, what is it?

Do you believe nothing is too serious to be joked about? If not, tell us what isn’t.

Tell the person your doing this exercise with, a quality that you’ve already started liking in them.

Considering all the people in your family that you love, who’s death would devastate you the most?

When did you last cry in-front of someone, why did you cry?

You Probably Get How These Questions are Going to Help Now:

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You’ve read the love questions for her and true love questions, aren’t they a masterpiece all on their own? Try doing this exercise with someone you already love also, it never hurts to bring two hearts even more closer to each other! You can try them with a potential boyfriend or girlfriend, or with someone you feel a spark with and want to take all the way!

You never now you might just fall in love. I’m pretty sure you’ll end up becoming ten times closer if not anything else. Let me know about questions about love and relationships and what you think in the comments!

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Article By: WhatStatus