Hercules (2014) Review

Posted on the 25 July 2014 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

We are about to experience the legend that is Hercules and find out if he really is as incredible as the stories of his twelve labours.

Who else could take on this role other than The Rock? Probably not many actors would even bother trying. (I didn’t bother seeing the other attempt which was also released this year). His physique is incredible and the muscles really do add to the role and create that legend around him before he even does anything. That’s the first piece with a greek myth, you have to at least look the part before you even start, that was certainly achieved in this film. He looks fantastic and believable.

The film moves at a good pace and you won’t find yourself wondering when the action is going to start as it pretty much goes on throughout the entire film. We get a small introduction at the start but the rest of the back story is fed to us throughout the course of the film. This means a couple of flashback scenes but fits very well within dreams and memories. It really did work out better that way.

In terms of the storyline I won’t spoil anything in that sense, John Hurt is a very good choice to play a king though he has that brilliant on-screen presence about him. It does have a few twists and turns which make everything even more interesting and keeps the audience guessing about what exactly could happen next.

It’s not all totally serious and does have some funny moments and lines which help balance the film out. Ian McShane really does add a little something extra to the film with the comedy lines and his “seeing the future”. The cast link together well and you do believe they would all fight to the death for Hercules and each other. It also helps show that he was not just one man and did not do everything along, he had his friends who became family fighting battles and demons with him.

Cannot complain about the action scenes as the battles are very engaging to watch, with many different types of weapons being used and the added bonus of the chariots. They won’t disappoint at all very good to see the fight scenes constantly in the film and fit in well with the pacing of it all. You don’t want it just to be one big fight, a story fits in with it all as well.

I was pleasantly surprised by this film, as I was looking forward to it but hadn’t really read much about it before heading into the cinema. One thing for sure is that The Rock certainly can get people in to see a film. As it was very busy in the screening I attended tonight, he does not let anyone down either. He gives exactly what you expect from this type of film!

His name is … Hercules.