Henry Holland’s New Eyewear Collection

By Wildchildmedia @wildchildmedia

The only thing worse than darkness on the way to and  from work, is having no sunglasses to hand when the sun decides to make a shock appearance despite the Baltic conditions. Thanks to Henry Holland, this need not be an issue anymore!

HOUSE OF HOLLAND is famous for its tongue-in-cheek humor and eclectic approach to fashion, and now it’s applying its signature aesthetic to eyewear.

Holland said,

“Eyewear is such an exciting category to venture into. We have touched on it before but it’s so exciting to have a full range. I think the time is right for us to launch eyewear. It’s our first real accessories range and will hopefully lead the way for further lines.”

The 22-piece collection, available at www.houseofholland.co.uk and www.brownsfashion.com, comprises 11 different shapes and names such as Raise The Roof, Sideburns and Cagefighter. Here are some of my personal favourites:

At the dullest time of year, thank you, Henry Holland for shedding some light.

Via Vogue