Helping Soldiers with Care Packages

By Cookingfromasahm
This is Wes
Hello Everyone, I have a project that I'd like you to help me on. While doing Thank a Soldier/Veteran I came across a lady named Deb. She has a page named Wes' Hope! Wes is a 25 year old who lost his life while serving in the Army. She dedicates her life and Wes' Memory to sending care packages to Soldiers. Many of them do not get any packages from home. She is changing that. I know that some of you might not have much money. But if you could just purchase something small to include in care packages then I know she'd very much appreciate it.  I want to make sure the Troops get everything they'd want. I think you guys can make that happen. Here is a list of what the Troops usually like:
*energy drinks
*Energy Bars
*Beef Jerky
*body wash
*K-Cups for Kuerig
*Any snacks except homemade
If you do not want to send anything there is a website you can go to to help donate money. The money will be used for Postage  or to fill up boxes. Click here to donate money
If you would like to send some items for the care packages people contact me in my email: E-mail here.Email Me