Help Save Declining Bee Populations by Adopting a Bee

By Petslady @petslady

Bee populations throughout the United States and many places around the world are in serious decline. These precious pollinators are necessary to maintain much of the flora on this planet and the fauna which is supported by these plants. That includes the human race as bees are the major pollinators for as much as 90% of our food supply.

The bees are succumbing to a dwindling genetic diversity, pesticide use, infection, parasites, and encroachment of killer bee colonies. In the UK 25 species of bee are already extinct. .

Adopt-a-bee programs have been springing up in support in our honey-producing, pollinating pals:

BBE-Tech's program funds the relocation of bees form harmful or undesireable locations on people's properties. For $5.00 you support the program and receive a token bee figurine, created, in part, from recycled wood from old beehives.

 Sustainability Today supports the program Hives Saves Lives to help the poor in Africa through the sustainable management of bee colonies. Name your bee and download your adoption certificate.

Los Altos Honey Bees has an adopt a beehive program where you actually adopt and care for an entire hive of your own bees. You can also make a donation to help fund hives placed with non-profit locations such as schools.

Malibu Honey's program is designed to assist in saving the declining bee population and to provide a hive to people in need around the world. Malibu Honey also donates 5% of its profits to the adopt-a-bee program.

 Adopt a Beehive works to sustain local bee populations. You will receive a share certificate, a picture of your bee and hive, and a jar of honey.

If you are a gardener, you can help support your local bee populations by planting flowers and other plants that attract bees. Common garden perennnials such as roses, geraniums, and hyacinth are bee friendly, as are the herbs bee balm, cilantro, and sage. Raspberries and strawberries will also draw them in.

For more information on what you can do to support and save the bee population click here.