HELP!! HomeMint Wants Small Shop!

By Erika Brechtel @smallshopstudio

I am so honored to have been chosen as a possible HomeMint Contributing Editor! To win this coveted spot, I’m up against worthy opponents The Everygirl and RUE Magazine — I know… help a girl out, would ya?

We’ve each created our own Pinterest board summarizing a particular look. Mine is “Vintage Eclectic Home” and I’d need each of you to repin my choices from now until 6/14! The board with the most repins…wins!

It’s been so fun to pair up HomeMint finds with inspiration rooms! So much to be had! Are you feeling it?

I know it’s a long shot, but I have to give it a try, right? Whatever the outcome, I’m a HUGE fan of HomeMint co-creator Estee Stanley’s work, and really excited to be supporting this particular venture with Justin Timberlake.

Thank you everyone for your help!

Images: top, Barrie Benson; left, Gabriel Hendifar; right, Trina Turk.
Grab the images on my Pinterest board!