Help Christine. Painting for Sale.

By Pretendmanblog @pretendmanblog

Help Christine. Painting for sale.

This is Christine, a homeless woman who sells donated books and shoes around Camden. She has mental health issues. You may know her. After asking her permission, Robin H Lee did this brilliant portrait of her and is now looking to sell his work for the price of £3650. This money will go to Christine in its entirety and will roughly work out as £5 per day food money for 2 years.

If ever there was a worthy cause for art it is this.

The portrait measures approx. 5’ x 3’ and all enquiries should be sent to: or if you’d prefer, you can call him on : 07789966387.

Along with being a fantastic artist, Robin is also a writer and you could read his work (which is often hilarious at Sabotage Times by clicking here.

Please share this post and help Christine.