Help Bring the Trans And/or Womyn’s Action Camp to Maine

Posted on the 17 September 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

Dear supporters of grassroots revolution,

Something really special is happening this year! By the end of 2013, there will have been THREE Trans and Womyn’s Action Camps in three different corners of the occupied territories known as the United States. Trans folks and Womyn are standing up and creating the spaces we need in order to organize and learn skills in spaces that are encouraging, nurturing, empowering, and feel safer to us. We are sick of cis-men running the show at actions, campaign spaces, and action camps, and we are taking matters into our own hands. We are taking charge in the direct action world and learning and practicing the skills that often times cis-men dominate.

Now a northeast group of TWAC organizers is in need of your generous funding support via our indiegogo site or via mail at the address below

This year, TWAC Florida stuck it to GEO Group, one of the largest private prison companies in the world. TWAC Cascadia threw down at the TransCanada offices in Portland, Oregon. Now TWAC Maine wants to be a part of the trans and womyn’s resistance and throw a wrench in the works here in the Northeast.

So what is TWAC anyway?

TWAC is a direct-action camp where folks who identify as womyn, transgender, transsexual, gender-queer, or gender-variant share direct action and political organizing skills in a conscientious, supportive, empowering and encouraging environment for voices often marginalized.

TWAC consists of workshops, discussions, and trainings on topics like strategic campaigning, direct action, tree climbing, security culture, resisting racism and white supremacy culture, trans 101, how to prevent burnout, theater of the oppressed, eco-feminism, plant walks and more (plus lots of beautiful, amazing and intelligent people and the affirmation of feminist and queer culture are part of the deal!).
After the days of training and bonding and nights of storytelling and talent sharing, at the end of the camp, participants develop a direct action and carry it out together in a powerful burst of feminist energy!

What do we need money for?

TWAC needs a lot of help in order to make this camp happen, and we are not funded by any organization. This effort is completely grassroots. Our goal is to raise 2,000 dollars, all of which will be used to get our camp off of the ground, and make camp comfortable for all the folks who attend.

The money that you donate to TWAC Maine will be utilized in all of the following ways:

Camp Set Up: Tables, Tarps, Ropes, Sanitation Supplies, Tents, etc.
Fuel for cooking
Medical supplies
Child care supplies
Travel fees for out of state activists
Funding for workshop facilitators
Campaign materials
Workshops: Because this camp is focused on empowerment and skills sharing, the workshops that are held at camp are a large part of what TWAC is all about.

A major portion of the funds donated will go to fund these workshops and presentations. The skills that we learn during these workshops will help us grow as activists and will be used when attendees return to their communities and share the tools they’re acquired at camp with the people in their home-towns. Any contribution that you make to TWAC should be viewed as not only a donation to our camp, but also an investment in grassroots activism.

Here is a list of workshop we are hoping to see at TWAC:

Direct Action 101
History to Current Day Colonization in So-Called Maine
Know your Rights
What do Women and Trans folks need to continue to build communities of resistance in Maine?
Elder Movement Storytelling
Climb Trainings
Well Body Care
Environmental Racism
…and more!

Many of the listed workshops require funding in order for them to happen, and your donations are essential for any of them to be possible.

Thank you so much for donating and/or spreading this fundraiser out into the far reaches of the internet world. Your contribution is a part of a very important movement of feminist energy and empowerment which is vital to the total liberation of all life on earth. You can mail us a check at the info provided below or donate via our indiegogo site

In solidarity and love,
TWAC Maine

Please send checks or money orders to:

Ani St. Amand,
9 Anderson St. Apt. 1,
Portland, ME 04101

If you would like to help organize, propose a workshop, find out more information, share ideas with us, or inquire about our scholarship program for low income people/under-represented groups, please send us an e-mail!

Please visit us at and click the Maine tab to register. No one will be turned away because they didn’t register, however it will be very helpful for us organizers if you do!