Hello Pain

By Kaidarul @KaiDarul

There is this book that I really wanted to have. And yes, it has something to do with what I am feeling at the moment. You know, that kind of pain when you use the computer so much? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Repetitive Strain Injury.

I have been feeling this pain since I don’t know when. My mom used to tell me that my other arm has this weird shape. Maybe it was caused by the accident I’ve had when I was in high school when I tripped down the bank stairs. I don’t really know.

So yeah. Anybody know where can I get the book? It mainly tackles on how you could heal the body by eliminating stress. I am the type of person who believes that it is all in the mind. So, reading the book will help me a lot. It has some good points too. If you happen to see it on the shelf of one bookstore here in the Philippines, could you please tell me? It would help so much. Thanks.