Hello May | A Message from The Gluten Free Chef

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5
Processed with Rookie Processed with Rookie

Dear Readers,

I hope you all are well. This year is literally flying by. I cannot believe we’ve hit May already. There are many wonderful things happening in my world. Here’s a short list of the things I’m currently working on:

  • I’m gearing up for The Rochester Gluten Free Health & Wellness Expo,
  • I’m building capacity and Summer programs at HQ 540WMain
  • I’m working on a special project for the gluten free chef blog

As life becomes more full I spend less time in the kitchen recipe developing and testing. I promise to allocate more time to recipes for the blog this month. As always I never forget about where it all started. Thank you for staying the course with me.

With Love,

The Gluten Free Chef
