Hello + Hi

By Nookandsea @KristinaMGulino

It’s officially fall! The days are crisp, the skies wonderfully clear, and I love the aroma of pumpkin around every corner. E and I are traveling up to the family cabin this month, and I’m looking forward to some welcoming R&R. The last few weeks have been a tough bunch; friends and family going through some scary medical situations, increased busyness in our workplaces, tossing around some big decisions for this next year and facilitating a Rooted group with our church have proven this to be a very busy, but blessed season. In some of our down time, we’ve enjoyed roaming through the local farmer’s market and soaking up the toasty SoCal sun – can’t complain about this beautiful autumn weather!

With life crazy busy, I am missing the blogosphere terribly and hope to post more frequently in the coming months (so bear with me)!

How have you been? What has been on your mind these days? Have a great weekend!

photo magnets: Kenneth Leishman Photography