Hello from Portugal!

By Kc2610 @kc2610
This week in Portugal has been fantastic, a very good excuse to just do nothing! Though doing nothing never lasts long with me, so with today being my last day here I am well and truly ready to start things up again in the UK when I get home.
As well as going for walks along the coastline and lounging next to the pool, Mum and I went for a drive up to Hippikos. Hippikos is an equestrian center specifically for people who want a riding holiday. A friend and fellow blogger, Wiola Grabowska, has her dream job working there so it was a great chance to go up and see her while we were in the country.
I will do a much more detailed post on Hippikos when I get home, pictures included, as it is an amazing, one in a million place of paradise for horse-lovers.
You will hear from me again when I land back in the UK... Nice and brown mwahahaha ;)