Hello Again! Inspired by a Comment

By Dgmommy @dgmommyblogger
Well, there is nothing like an excellent comment to get me motivated to post. I was wavering back and forth this morning as to whether I should jump back in to the blog or just go vacuum, but The Bean Woman's comment on my last post (written exactly one month ago today) has pushed me from the utility closet and into the office... at least for a few minutes!
It's been exactly one month since I wrote last; exactly one month since we set off on this new adventure. It has been a very busy time. Two weeks with 5 of us stuck in a tiny service apartment and the past two weeks spent in our lovely English home. Two days since finally getting my Internet installed and getting back online.

Our Usual Morning Ride
Photo by BazzaDaRambler 
via Flickr

Today is the first day in weeks that I've been able to stay home with my little guy and send the girls off to school like reasonable people! Normally, I'm spending time and money in taxis and on buses and trains, with a 2 1/2 hour round-trip commute to a school that is just 10-minutes away by car. But, then, we don't have a car! Yet. Soon. Fortunately, Nature Girl's teacher hooked us up with another teacher who lives near us and she collected my daughters this morning and will drop them at my doorstep tonight, bless her! She's saved me 5-hours and $30 (a day!). You have no idea how grateful I am for this!
Now that I'm back, in the very near future you can expect a few book reviews, tales of Thomas the Tank (we rode him!), my views on faeries, dryers, accents and public transport as well as a informing you of a serious issue of international child abduction - scary, something I try to avoid thinking about, but that real people have to deal with every day. And so much more!
Finally, a question for my readers: do you feel that my blog title and writing focus are too disparate? Should I shake it up and change the name to something more in line with I actually publish? Do you have any suggestions? I'd appreciate hearing from you!