When I love it, there is no stopping me. I'm really inspired, I have ideas and they don't stop coming. But I hate it when I'm forcing content, when I don't have anything interesting to share on my blog so I just force something.
For the past
I think it's a good thing that I am able to do this, take a step back and return when feeling inspired again. I don't make any money out of my blog so I don't have to rely on this for a form of income. It's a hobby, it's what I love doing.
I have a lot of ideas of where I want to take my blog and what I want to write about. I'm not going to force them though and I'm not going to have a schedule. I've found that planning out my blog posts is when I tend to feel the need to just wack 'stuff' out there.
I'm currently camping with Tom, my Dad and his Wife in York. York is somewhere that Tom and I visited the other year (see blog post here). It's beautiful! Very rainy so it's been a little hard to get photos but I really want to share some of the photos I have taken (so far).