
By Cleverbuttons @cleverbuttons

Hello, readers of cleverlittlebuttons!

Today is one of those glorious sundays where I have nothing I HAVE to do and the weather is a bit crappy, so I can sit on my sofa in my chill out clothes without feeling bad. Gotta love it!

So yeah, this isn’t Cass! You are going to see my posts pop up on here from now on, so I thought it was only polite to introduce myself! My intention is to bring some of my thoughts, pictures and random musings in to your lives (and hopefully you will like it :)).

Who am I?

My name is Emma, I’m 26 years old (although I will be 27 this coming Tuesday), I’m originally from Sweden and I’ve been living in the UK since I was 20. I currently live and work in Manchester and I have to say, I love it here.

These are a few of my favorite things…

Fantasy – books, movies, games. If it has dragons, I will enjoy it regardless of the rest of it. I’m currently reading The Liveship Traders Trilogy by Robin Hobb.

Animals – I guess you could say that I’m a crazy cat-lady in making, I live with a furry, black gentleman called Charlie the Puma. I love all kinds of animals, but I currently have a bit of an obsession with donkeys (it’s the fluffy, long ears).

Nature – I just really love nature, being out in the country side soothes my soul and I occasionally hug trees (my favorite kind of tree is Oak!).

Really excited about working together with Cass on this blog, watch this space!

Much love xx

(you can follow me on twitter @redinemma)