Hello 2017.

By Winyeemichelle

Happy New Year, you wonderful readers! Welcome back to Daisybutter, now with a fresh lick of blog layout paint, ready for 2017. I hope you all had the very best start to the year, whether that was cosied up on the sofa with a hot chocolate or dusting off those glitter-covered heels for an obligatory night out or even something right in between. Me? I opted to spend my NYE with my boyfriend Harvey's family; a roast, some music, some gin and my partner-in-crime. Just perfect.
Such is tradition here on Daisybutter, I thought I’d ease into a fresh 365 days of content with my annual goals. Like I’ve mentioned in previous years, I rarely make ‘resolutions’ and take things away from my lifestyle, I prefer to set things to work towards.
  1. Run weekly and take up an exercise class.
  2. Expand Honey + Chai to include accessories and homeware.
  3. Continue with vegetarianism.
  4. Stop multi-tasking during downtime.
  5. Travel and tick off 5 more places from my bucket list.
  6. Declutter.
  7. Pick up two more clients for my business.
  8. Take myself on a date once a month.

Daisybutter in 2017 looks to be much of the same with a jetpack attached - no plans and plenty of opportunity. As of now, there are no set-in-stone plans and I’m completely okay with that. I’d like to pick up some new clients for my business and I’d also like to take Daisybutter a touch more seriously, and I’ve got a few in-progress plans for Honey + Chai. I’m at my happiest and totally in my prime when I’m busy work wise so hopefully things begin to fall into place of their own accord, just like they did last year. I’ve fallen back in love with this blog over the last 12 months and can’t wait to upgrade my DSLR - the primary reason for such blogging absence in 2016! - and document more of my world as my life unfurls.
Life is too short not to tell people exactly what you’re thinking, it’s too short to stress over things like the barista forgetting the whip atop your hot chocolate (hey, in return, somebody got their cuppa joe extra quick!), it’s too short to worry about numbers on social media, on the scales, in your bank account. It’s the first day of a clean new year so dust off those ambitions and work even harder towards them, tidy/Marie Kondo up your home and throw out the things that don’t bring you boundless joy. Apologise sincerely, think wisely, live simply, love in huge waves, try always.
Thanks for always being lovely, I can’t wait to see what 2017 has in store for us all!
Michelle x lifestyle

Hello 2017.


Happy New Year, you wonderful readers! Welcome back to Daisybutter, now with a fresh lick of blog layout paint, ready for 2017. I hope you all had the very best start to the year, whether that was cosied up on the sofa with a hot chocolate or dusting off those glitter-covered heels for an obligatory night out or even something right in between. Me? I opted to spend my NYE with my boyfriend Harvey's family; a roast, some music, some gin and my partner-in-crime. Just perfect.
Such is tradition here on Daisybutter, I thought I’d ease into a fresh 365 days of content with my annual goals. Like I’ve mentioned in previous years, I rarely make ‘resolutions’ and take things away from my lifestyle, I prefer to set things to work towards.
  1. Run weekly and take up an exercise class.
  2. Expand Honey + Chai to include accessories and homeware.
  3. Continue with vegetarianism.
  4. Stop multi-tasking during downtime.
  5. Travel and tick off 5 more places from my bucket list.
  6. Declutter.
  7. Pick up two more clients for my business.
  8. Take myself on a date once a month.

Daisybutter in 2017 looks to be much of the same with a jetpack attached - no plans and plenty of opportunity. As of now, there are no set-in-stone plans and I’m completely okay with that. I’d like to pick up some new clients for my business and I’d also like to take Daisybutter a touch more seriously, and I’ve got a few in-progress plans for Honey + Chai. I’m at my happiest and totally in my prime when I’m busy work wise so hopefully things begin to fall into place of their own accord, just like they did last year. I’ve fallen back in love with this blog over the last 12 months and can’t wait to upgrade my DSLR - the primary reason for such blogging absence in 2016! - and document more of my world as my life unfurls.
Life is too short not to tell people exactly what you’re thinking, it’s too short to stress over things like the barista forgetting the whip atop your hot chocolate (hey, in return, somebody got their cuppa joe extra quick!), it’s too short to worry about numbers on social media, on the scales, in your bank account. It’s the first day of a clean new year so dust off those ambitions and work even harder towards them, tidy/Marie Kondo up your home and throw out the things that don’t bring you boundless joy. Apologise sincerely, think wisely, live simply, love in huge waves, try always.
Thanks for always being lovely, I can’t wait to see what 2017 has in store for us all!
Michelle x