Heavens Above - Christian App Created by a Homeschool Dad!

By Upatdawn @lisakeva

Heaven's Above from Digital Worship 

In the day, we see blue skies, gray skies, clouds, and the all-powerful sun. At night? The vastness of space. The stars, oh so many stars! The moon, a witness to days and seasons and a producer of tides. And other planets, like ours, and yet not like ours, helping us discern our specialness in the universe.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Psalm 19:1
Heavens Above is a new iPad app which will help you see God's glory! Designed by a Homeschool Dad, this app is a presentation of 77 space photos gleaned from Hubble Space Telescope and paired with Bible verses on the theme of God's glory. Use them in your devotional time to meditate on God's vast power, His grace, His majesty, and His creativity. Choose one picture a day, or play them all, one after another, like a slide show. You could play your favorite praise music behind the scenes to add to the mood of worship.
Heavens Above includes an amazing image index showing all 77 photos at once, plus a list of definitions to help you identify a spiral galaxy from a globular cluster. The verse index allows you to scroll through all the pictures and their Bible verses.

77 Space Images paired with Bible Verses

This is the 3rd app produced by, Digital Worship. Click to go to the website to see this or his other apps, Dad's Prayers (a FREE devotional) and Bible Shuffle (a fun and educational game). Or, go straight to the Apple store and purchase for only $0.99!This post written and property of Homeschool Circus and can be found at: www.upatdawnreadytowork.com. If you are reading this from a source other than www.upatdawnreadytowork.com (www.upatdawnreadytowork.blogspot.com) you are reading a scraped copy!