Heaven is a Busy Place

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata

The busyness of Rome's Piazza del Popolo can't compare
to the busyness of heaven

Heaven is busy. I know you know this. But sometimes we let the invisible become abstract, and once abstract, distant. People tell me that they feel that since our faith relies on invisibility, despite their certainty, praying to heaven sometimes feels like whistling in the wind.
I understand the feeling, and I'd like to help along those lines.
Let's get specific.
When we have a civic issue, we do things. We write letters to the editor. We complain on Facebook. We join protests. We march. We petition. We attend Town Council meetings and speak in the microphone.
"My road isn't paved and it's wrecking my car!"
"There's too many potholes on my road, do something!"
"You can't fire the Town Manager/increase the budget/Add onto the school!"
"We need a stoplight at John Smith Road!"
"Make John Q. Public Street a 4-way stop!"
"Re-stripe the lines on Main Street!"
We are pretty busy when it comes to civic duties. We make ourselves heard for our civic needs in all the venues that are available to us.
What do we do when we have a spiritual issue? We do things. We write letters to the pastor. We complain on Facebook. We join grumbling protests. We prayer march. We petition. We attend Elder Council meetings and speak up.
What don't we do? Pray. For whatever reason, we don't make available to us the first thing we should be doing. Instead, we relegate it to a last resort.
Far from being an inert, harp-playing, cloud lounging, Deistic place, heaven is active and always in motion. It is in operation all the time. Heaven is busy, Heaven is involved.
Heaven has angels coming and going, presenting themselves to God. The High Court is always in session. Jesus is praying. Incense is rising. The angels are hollering holy, holy, holy. Warfare is breaking out. Martyrs are arriving. Jesus is mediating. Requests and Petitions are coming in. Praise and worship is continuing.
So pray! Pray for all your concerns. Pray to praise Jesus. Pray for your sanctification. Pray for your friends' salvation. Pray for nations abroad, and your kids at home. Pray about everything, especially your concerns.
When you pray, you become intimately involved in the activity of heaven. Your prayer is heard by Jesus and is then absorbed into the great stream of work and operations of the celestial realms. If Jesus heard Hagar's lone cry in the vast desert, if He saw Elijah's exhaustion in his escape from Jezebel, if He knows the heart of Nicodemus by night, if He understands all our sorrows, fears, and feelings, He hears your prayer. You don't have to worry. You don't need a liver shiver or a sign or confirmation. He hears it.
Scripture references
Job 1:6; Revelation 4:1-11; Hebrews 6:20; Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:24; Revelation 8:4, Revelation 4:8, Isaiah 6:2-3; Daniel 10:13, Revelation 12:7
Genesis 28:12; Revelation 6:9; 1 Timothy 2:5, Job 9:33; Philippians 4:6, 1 Timothy 2:1; Revelation 19:6-7, Revelation 11:16.