Do you ever find yourself skimming through the pages of your latest read thinking to yourself, 'I know exactly what they mean!' Part of what makes dating memoirs so popular is the fact that they are universally relatable. Dating is something we must all go through, and a number of our experiences are inevitably going to seem very similar, such as sending ridiculous flirty texts, waiting by the phone, feeling dejected when someone we weren't even that into hasn't called. Though we are designed to be unique, all of us naturally get caught up in the same patterns and behaviors when pursuing love. They Provide Comedic Relief
Getting your heart broken can be one of the most painful experiences in the world. There is nothing worse than longing for your heart's desire, only to find they don't long for you. Dating memoirs provide a much-needed comedic relief to the hectic world of dating. Many of us love to burst out laughing reading about characters like Bridget Jones who must endure the most embarrassing circumstances of all in order to find love. In the moment, ending a relationship, dating jerk after jerk, and moving on can feel horribly disheartening and frustrating, yet over time we get through the hardships with the help of a little comedy. Dating memoirs are one of those things that get us through the tough times. We Can Learn from their Mistakes
Even though dating memoirs have tendencies of being generally sarcastic and witty, there always seems to be tidbits of optimism and hope weaved into them. Think about it: at the end of most of these memoirs, the main character has some grand realization or ends up with a great boyfriend or girlfriend. Books must have a meaning, theme, or purpose in order to sell, and that's why many of these books aim to bring a sense of clarity and purpose to the woes of failed romances. Disastrous dating memoirs are some of the best sellers in book titles nowadays, and it's no surprise why. With a genre that delivers so much perspective, comedic relief, and optimism, it's hard to resist buying these romantic titles. Katheryn Rivas in an education writer that is interested in researching the opportunities can provide for students. She encourages your comments at Comments here on blog are also greatly welcome.