Heart Attack Defence!

Posted on the 24 July 2018 by Health_news

Did you know that heart attack is the major cause of death globally? Yes, everything seems normal until one day when the artery sending blood to the heart gets blocked, ultimately leading to a heart arrest. There are several factors that bring you to this dreadful situation; it might be inherited genetically or caused by addiction and unhealthy lifestyle practices. While it is the middle-aged or old who is more prone to this chronic disease, there are a few cases where an average person in his 30s could also be under the risk of falling prey to it. Today's eating habits and work pressure is unavoidable; but, hey making a note these simple attributes to ensure you stay far away from heart failures.

Symptoms of heart arrest:

You know someone is undergoing a heart attack when he experiences shortness of breath, nausea, and discomfort in the chest followed by sweating, anxiety or fear.

How to overcome it? Stay Physically Active

A few minutes of physical activity everyday can actually save lives. There is nothing as productive to your body as a proper exercise routine. Apart from strengthening the bones and muscles, it keeps the diabetic and cholesterol levels under control. The next time you choose to take the lift, stop and think about climbing the stairs. This might seem like something very meager, but every effort adds a brownie point to your overall health.

Eat Right

It is true that the eating habits of today's generation have gone totally off track. But, once in a while it is advisable to think before you consume. Every time you order that cheese burger or take an extra slice of pizza, be fully aware of how it may affect your body. Include more of fruits, veggies, and good meat in your daily diet. It might seem like a boring thing to do but could save your life one day.

Quit Smoking

Remember that cigars are slow poisons and every time you smoke, the risk of heart arrest or ending up in cancer is for sure. Wherever you are, whatever you are up to, quit smoking and you'll see the results out right.

Lose those excess pounds

Obesity is one other reason for heart attacks. Keeping a count on the levels of your daily intake and maintaining the blood pressure and cholesterol levels will help you stay in good form, reducing the risk of heart failures.

It is the small things we do that come to our help when we need them much. A happy and stress-free life with healthy habits is the secret to fight any threatening disease.