Healthy Winter Hair Care Tips

By Dr.jenifer Sayyed @SayyedJenifer

Winter is here and in the coming months, the temperature will drop.  It is the time of the year when you need to take a little extra care of your body. Along with taking care of your skin, lips and hands, be watchful of your hair too, as it can lead to itchy scalp, dryness, dandruff, and breakage.

If you are residing in Delhi like me, then you have to be more careful as we have to struggle with cold and the pollution which can affect our hair badly.

So Today, am sharing few simple, essential and healthy winter hair care tips which will make us enjoy this season without worrying.

1) Limit your hair wash

In winter, the hair doesn’t get dirty or oily much, so limit your hair wash twice or thrice a week. It will help in preventing extra dryness.

Use a hydrating shampoo that moisturizes hair. You can also use dry shampoo when you feel lazy to wash the hair.

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2)  Condition it adequately

Replenish the moisture with oil massages or hair conditioner as it protects the hair against cold air and hot styling equipment.

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3)  Limit the use of the hair dryer

Limit your use of hair dryers and any other heated styling tool, as the heat will make your hair frizzy. Let it dry naturally or use a towel to remove excess water.

Also, don’t leave your home with wet hair as the cold weather can damage it.

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4)  Regular hair trimming

Regular trims reduce the split ends caused due to dryness. So, get a haircut right away.

5)  Smoothening serum

Hair serum is a must throughout the year esp. in winter as it makes the hair shiny, hydrated and causes fewer tangles.

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6)  Hair spa

Hair spa is one of the best ways to take care of your hair in winter.  Treat yourself to a hair spa at a salon or do it yourself at the comfort of your home.

It will help in maintaining the health of your hair and will give proper nourishment.

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Do you have any other tips to share? How do you take care of your hair?

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