Healthy Skin Care Tips for Older Women in Their 50s and 60s.

Posted on the 19 September 2020 by Health_news

For a younger look, you don't need to run behind the skin treatments and go through so much pain at this age. Protecting yourself from the exposure of the sun will help in prevention of cancer. The UV rays from the sun cause 90% of nonmelanoma skin cancer in U.S. Skin care is not only about taking care of your outer skin, but also about the food you intake, which will create a flawless complexion on your skin. Here are some healthy skin care tips for older women which will make your skin look flawless.

Healthy Fruits for Healthy Skin

In general, fruits are a contaminated pack of antioxidants that helps to protect your skin from fine lines, anti-aging, pigmentation, and keeps your skin hydrated. We all know that having a single fruit on our plate for a day will keep our body healthier. Why not make that into a plate full of fruits, veggies, and dry fruits to get healthy skin.

  • Avocado - Avocado possesses lutein and zeaxanthin that protect the skin from UV damage and provide firmness in the skin.
  • Artichoke - It contains apigenin and luteolin that helps to increase the skin's elasticity and minimizes enlarged pores from the saggy skin.
  • Apricot- Apricots are rich in vitamin c and antioxidants which helps to reduce the risk of anti-aging.
  • Citrus - Citrus is a great antioxidant which obtains high water content and acts as a skin barrier.
  • Gooseberry - Gooseberry helps to boost the collagen products that treat the signs of aging.
  • Kiwi - It promotes the production of collagen in the body which results in a reduction of puffy eyes and dry skin.
  • Peaches - Peaches are a full package of vitamins, minerals, and calcium which gives you peachy cheeks.
  • Raspberry - Red Raspberry obtains anthocyanins which help to brighten your skin tone.
  • Strawberry - The salicylic acid in strawberry seize the anti-inflammatory products that reduce unwanted dirt and prevent acne.
  • Tomato - This fruit contains lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant fight against premature aging and free radicals in the body.

Basic Skin Care Routine

To maintain healthy skin, you must make use of cleanser, toner, exfoliator, serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen in your skin care routine.

  • Wash your face every now and then for a crystal clear skin.
  • Cleansing helps to restrain the wrinkles.
  • Exfoliating your skin will stimulate blood circulation.
  • Don't forget to give nutrition to your skin.
  • Protecting your skin from the exposure of the sun will help you from aging.

Rather than these inner and outer skin care tips for older women. The most important part of maintaining healthy skin & body is to lead a stress-free life. Exercise both your body and brain. A healthy diet and regular exercise are mandatory for healthy skin in aging women.