Healthy Oat Protein Muffins

By Ally @allykitchen

Healthy Oat Protein Muffins! Yes, there's a way to have your muffin and eat it, too! Choked full of real food ingredients, you'll LOVE them!

Morning Glory Muffins

These healthy oat protein muffins are like morning glory muffins. They're full of a little bit of everything!

Oatmeal Muffins

While there's no oatmeal, there is oat protein cereal. This cereal is made from upcycled oatmeal. After the oat milk is made from oatmeal, then the waste, which used to be discarded, is now upcycled and made into a healthy protein packed cereal!

Oat Muffins

These oat muffins aren't really overly sweet and definitely not sugary.

Erring on the healthy side, they're sweetened only slightly by date sugar.

If you do your research on date sugar here's what you'll consistently discover:

"Date sugar is healthier than refined white cane sugar. It has a lower GI value than honey, coconut palm sugar, and many other alternatives. It's the highest antioxidant sweetener. Date sugar is also a rich source of minerals and fiber." Source.

Oat Breakfast Muffins

When you bite into these moist delicious muffins, you'll know that you're getting the best real ingredients, all the flavor and none of the guilt. That's the way it should really be when you eat food. Knowing that the ingredients are close to the earth and nutritious.

Healthy Oak Breakfast Muffin

If you want to make these muffins gluten free, then no problem. I'd suggest using a one-to-one GF flour and swap it for the same amount that the recipe calls for. Yes, this is self-rising baking flour used, but there's also additional baking powder and baking soda that can be used with the GF flour.

Banana Oat Breakfast Muffin

Another thing about these muffins is that you've got two fruits included, banana and pineapple. You could also throw in a vegetable. Yes, finely shredded carrots, one-half cup, for extra nutrition and flicks of color.

Banana Oat Protein Muffins

Rounding our the nutritional profile of these muffins are an egg, walnuts, coconut milk, warm spices and, of course, the oat protein Seven Sundays cereal.

Two bowls for preparation. A muffin tin and cupcake holders and you're in business. Treat yourself to something health and yummy with your cup of morning joe!