Healthy Kids- Does Eating Fruits Really Matter?

Posted on the 17 March 2014 by Health_news

Parenting is quite a  difficult role and almost every couple around the world, experience many questions and doubts while raising their children. Parents struggle to find out the correct and balanced food intake requirement of their children at various stages of growth. Infants, when born had received their nutrients through the mothers’ food intake system, during pregnancy. However, once they become a distinct human upon their birth, they need to be provided with nutrients externally.  The easiest natural way is oral feeding. Infants when grow into kids their intake requirements change to suit their body metabolism. During this stage they develop their own likes and dislikes, as the taste buds become functional. This stage from infancy to five years is of paramount importance. Studies have shown that kids who remain under-nourished till the age of five years are more likely to have limited brain development. This loss is not easily reversible.

Parents need adequate guidance to help them decide on the type of food their children ought to have for best results. After careful and sustained study and research many countries have taken the lead in enlightening parents to understand the need to increase fruits intake of their kids. Necessary guidelines to schools are also issued to get desired results. Spread of knowledge through written articles, books, seminars, media, social interactions on this count is in place. They all are inclined to deduce that the present level of fruit consumption in kids need to confirm to higher measure.

Survival of the fittest is the doctrine, to which all living beings, human race included, are subjected to. Parents do try to do justice to provide proper food intake for the kids. However, want of resources, lack of knowledge, absence of required expertise, are some of the impediments in fulfilling their wishes. So, the perennial question which the parents ask is what kids should eat. Various combinations of carbohydrates, fats, minerals, fiber, vitamins are available. Fruits form a very important ingredient of kids’ dietary requirement.

Kids should be persuaded, sometimes by cajoling and appealing, to eat various fruits, to top up their nutritional requirements. Wide varieties of fruits such as, apples, bananas, dates, figs, berries, grapes, guavas, mangoes, oranges are available. These fruits contain the balanced amount of minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and others. They also contain vitamins. The intake of fruits would replenish and enrich these vital constituents in the human body. Fruits also contain some amount of proteins. Proteins are responsible for creation of enzymes (for digestive processes), hormones (for stimulating body organs), antibodies (for boosting immunity mechanisms), apart from many other complex reactions in the body. Proteins are also the key source of energy. This energy generated is used for internal and external body functions and activities. Proteins are also used for development of tissues.

Benefits of eating fruits-

  • Digestive health
  • Decreased obesity
  • Improved nutrition
  • Better performance

The taste of fruits is a bonus to kids. Many kids immensely love some or many fruit varieties to enjoy the taste. The taste also satiates the buds. The consumption of fruits results in enhancing chewing capacities, automatic intake of liquids in the body and also help in actuating digestive functions. In a nutshell, kids do need to eat enough fruits everyday for their own good and remain healthy, so that they become an asset to society in the future.