Healthier Snacks: Co-Op

By Evette Garside @evette77

Just recently I have been sent over a fair selection of healthy snacks and drinks from different companies, and so; over the next few days I'll be posting about them all. They all claim to be healthier and all taste rather good too (or I would not bother posting), and they can all be enjoyed by both children and adults.

So to start off the healthy snack posts, I'm beginning with a well known brand and a store everyone will be familiar with - it's the Co-Op.

Co-Op have very recently introduced these healthy snacks to their stores.

The packaging is pretty bright and colourful but there's nothing to really indicate that these are just for children. The bags seem adequate size for either lunch boxes or throwing in a bag for a quick nibble at work.

I did enjoy the chorizo rice cakes, which are slightly spicy and the sweeter version of the rice cakes is a berry version which have a yoghurt type coating.

Then the ginger popcorn which sounds really strange but it's one of those foods that's quite addictive once you start.

Next were several little snack bags containing various assortments of fruit, nuts, chocolate nibbles and rice snacks.

I was very surprised when Ryan asked to try a bag as he would normally refuse anything like this and especially so dried fruits, I think the choc drops may have tempted him but after finishing one bag he then asked for another, double shock!

Still always a bonus when he decides to eat something healthy for a change. We were also given a voucher to buy even more healthy snacks too. As ally children enjoyed the selection they were sent, I am gong to buy a few more and give them as school break snacks when they go back next month.

All the snacks are available in Co-Op stores and all less than £1 each. Certainly worth swapping for that bar of chocolate and no difference in price either.