Healthier Avocado Chocolate Brownies

By Krimkus

I'm always looking for a way to healthify chocolate brownie recipes.

To that end, I've come up with a few ways to turn this classic family treat into a more wholesome dessert.

As you can imagine, I rarely tell my family the ingredients that make their brownies more nutritious, or I'm sure I'd find them on the kitchen counter a week later.

Bob Red Mill's Whole Wheat Pastry flour is my go-to for a more whole grain brownie. I end up with a lighter texture, than when I use whole wheat flour. And in the case of the brownie recipe you see above, I've added blueberries.

Why not add an antioxidant punch with a super food like blueberries!

And while I can't take credit for this flourless brownie pie recipe from Chocolate-Covered Katie, I can tell you that I was pleased with the results.

Katie uses wholesome ingredients, including fiber packed black beans and oats in her brownies.

As for these brownies, I've introduced another super food into the mix - I had a very ripe avocado in need of use, so why not add it to the mixing bowl?

I simply replaced the oil I would have used in the recipe with my avocado. Now I've added a monounsaturated fat, additional protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals (especially potassium), and a creamy texture to the batter.

My brownies turned out moist and chewy, not cake-like. I'm not a fan of cake type brownies, and neither is Mr. Mike.

At 100 calories, or 3 Weight Watchers points per square, I consider these a doable calorie watcher's treat.

If I had a calories to spare for the day, you can bet I'd go to town and add a small scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Enjoy, and have a terrific week!

Healthier Chocolate Brownies