Health Supplements Vs. Medication: What’s The Difference?

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

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In our current world, there are many different things you can take or give yourself that aid your health. Some of these things are called health supplements, while others are medications or drugs. What’s interesting is learning the difference between the two. You see, in major sports, people can take as many legal health supplements as they like, but there comes a point where something stops being a health supplement and turns into a performance-enhancing drug. 

Moreover, if someone were to tell you to take loads of medication every day, you’d frown upon it – even if it was good for you. But, if they said to take some supplements, you’d do so without really questioning it. So, what’s the difference between health supplements and medication?

Supplements don’t have to be FDA-approved

Drugs have to be approved and tested by the FDA before they can be approved for use. This is because they are meant to treat or prevent diseases. Supplements don’t need to be approved by the FDA, which is something to keep in mind. Often, supplements aren’t proven to be safe by the general population until they’ve started circulating. So, it’s never a good idea to take a brand new supplement until enough data and research show that it’s safe. 

Medication is more individual-based

When you are prescribed medication, it’s done by a medical professional based on your individual health concerns. With supplements, they’re sold to just about anyone, catering to a broader scope of health issues. Supplements are not individual-based, meaning some might not work for you. With medication, you even have companies like Benecard PBF that look at each individual before prescribing the right drugs. It means that you get things that are aimed at you specifically, rather than the general population. 

Supplements are meant to supplement your diet

Perhaps the biggest difference between the two is that supplements are used to replace or supplement things that occur in your natural diet. Let’s take protein, for example. This is one of the biggest supplements out there, and many people take it to help them build muscle, which can also help them lose weight. Protein exists in many food products, so you can get it in your diet without the need for a supplement. However, people take supplements when they can’t get enough from their diet. 

Drugs aren’t used like this at all and will normally contain chemicals that interact with your body. As such, there are typically more side effects from medication, when compared to supplements. In fact, supplements don’t produce any unique side effects – they produce the same effects that the thing they’re supplementing would produce if you ate a lot of it naturally. 

In summary, if you are looking for things that can give you a little health boost, opt for supplements over medication. Medication has its uses in the health world, but only for treating individualized diseases or medical conditions. By contrast, supplements can be used daily to help improve your diet and overall health. 

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