Health Minister Lauds HeFRA on 10th Wedding.

Posted on the 21 December 2021 by Mubeenhh

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has applauded the Health Features Regulatory Company (HeFRA) for successfully providing their requirements despite their functional challenges.
Established under Part Among the Health Institutions and Features Behave, 2011 (Act 829), HeFRA is mandated to register, examine, certificate, and check all health features and determine the minimal and basic gear and workers necessary for exercise and service suppliers to ensure better health outcomes.


In a speech read on his behalf at a grand durbar to kick-off, the 10th claimed significant on the list of advances created by the organization was the digitalization of their operations for client comfort and satisfaction.
He explained digitalization was among the crucial tools being used underneath the current government to enhance efficiency in the supply of public services.
“If public companies are more effective, they will be translated into larger output, that will eventually culminate in improved financial fortunes for the people,” he said.


The wedding has been marked on the concept: “Digitalising to enhance health regulation&rdquo.
In attendance at the grand durbar were brains of health features and agencies in equally people and the private sectors and brains of different health regulatory agencies.

Inspection/monitoring requirements

Mr. Agyeman-Manu applauded the organization for the development of 54 examinations and checking requirements to ensure health features deliver quality services.
He explained the evaluation requirements might ensure understanding and simplicity usage of documents, saying the main element contribution of the set in providing comprehensive cross-cutting guide documents as decided requirements for exemplary attention to improving the plan of quality development among health facilities.

Great opportunity

He explained ten years was a good chance for the organization to get inventory and move larger commitments to larger heights.
“We recognize, so it has not been easy for you really to operate with very few sources, but I am proud to say that with unity of function and perseverance, you have removed that organization to their current exceptional status. I hope that you will maybe not relent, in the years ahead, since you have laid the best foundation to help make the organization blossom and hold rising,” the Health Minister said.


The Registrar for HeFRA, Dr. Philip Bannor, claimed there have been continuing attempts to signal a memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) with different regulators in the medical market, such as the National Health Insurance Power (NHIA), the Ghana Health Service (GHS) and the Drugstore Council, to help handle the burden of regulation on health facilities.
He described that although there has been no replication of regulators’ mandates, occasionally, there have been slight overlaps that influenced stakeholders.
“I am especially pleased with negotiations with the Drugstore Council, the Pharmaceutical Society, and the Within the Counter Remedies Vendors Association (CMS).
I hope to produce a headway with the NHIA and ideally the Conventional Remedies Practice Council on adopting and applying orthodox gear in their establishments,” he said.


Highlighting some achievements of the organization over the last ten years, Dr. Bannor stated the operationalization of the HeFRA Portable Online Data System (MOIS) to enhance the caliber of companies it presented to health features to make them more efficient.

“The MOIS is really an electronic platform cautiously built to power and improves the execution of HeFRA’s requirement to register, examine and check all health features. Hence the platform will help improve efficiency in accessing their companies by enabling importing of documents, scheduling examination, and checking actions while allowing customers to make payments and initiate renewal procedures,” he said.
He indicated appreciation to all partner agencies, management, and staff for supporting HeFRA to use successfully and increase to their current status.