This last weekend I had the privilege to attend a convention called Success School in Fort Worth, Texas. Success School is an event created and conducted by a health and nutrition company called Advocare. Advocare is not just about direct sales of its supplemental products for health, performance, and weight loss, but for its spectacular leadership principles and training regimen. This company has had such a great impact
across the country because of its core values that the entire organization embraces.
Sitting in the downtown Fort Worth convention center with over 13,000 people, all you can feel is the contagious, positive energy that is projected from all around you. The stage brings presence to many people sharing their struggles and success stories. There are leaders that provide great training and motivational speakers that empower and excite. I would say it is impossible for anyone to leave without feeling like a better person. A person that is going to go out in the world and change other lives.
You may be asking yourself how this relates to the entertainment industry. Well, Advocare is not directly considered an entertainment company, but it is indirectly related. Advocare has many sports teams and musicians that are unpaid and endorse their products. It is vitally important for these professionals to be on top of their game and in a prime healthy condition. Also, the leaders who run around managing or training need to keep healthy. Being able to have the energy, stamina, and endurance in a demanding industry like entertainment is crucial. For example, if a band cannot perform at a venue because they are not well, revenue is lost and fans may become unhappy.
John C. Maxwell’s book, Developing the Leader Within You, talks about the five levels of leadership: position, permission, production, people development, and personhood. What Advocare allows people to do is not only sell high quality products, but allows them to start at the first level, grow through training and experience, and reach whatever level they would like to achieve.
Advocare gives people a system to develop themselves as leaders and independent business owners. An opportunity to learn how to network with people, be a team player, learn to sell products, do presentations, and build an entire organization. These skills can be adapted and applied to anyone who is looking to work, lead, train, or perform in the entertainment industry.
Health is now one of the most important factors that people are becoming more conscience about. Entertainment is a very demanding industry—it always has and always will be. Here’s how I see it—a healthy sports team performs better, a healthy band or artist will not miss shows, or an artist developer can lead and manage with great endurance and focus. In essence, health brings value to entertainment.