Health Benefits of Black Raspberry

Posted on the 17 April 2014 by Health_news

Health benefits of black raspberry

Berries are very high in antioxidants and have several health benefits. They reduce the risks of various conditions and diseases including heart strokes. Among the berries family of fruits, raspberry has a high curative property and several health benefits. Raspberry is a tiny reddish pink fruit that is tasty and highly nutritious. They also grow in black color.

Here are some health benefits of raspberries:

Health benefits

Raspberry contains a dark pigment that is extremely concentrated and has a high amount of antioxidants in it. Because of its strong pigmentation it is also used as a colorant in vegetable dyes. It also has anthocyanins and ellagic acid which are used for medicinal purposes. Black raspberries are known as the king of berries.

A research on raspberries by the Ohio State University revealed that the curative properties of the berry reduced colon tumors in rats. It is also good for other types of cancers like esophageal and gastroentric tumors.

  • Raspberry has a high amount of phenolic compound which speeds up digestion in the body.
  • Antioxidants of black raspberries are powerful for fighting against cancer causing cells and can reduce them.
  • These berries also slow down the growth of cancer cells and help to get rid of free radicals from the body.
  • It strengthens the immune system naturally and makes it resistant to several viruses and bacteria.
  • It has high amounts of fiber which help the digestion process and also strengthen the kidneys.
  • Black raspberries contain water and it is good for the skin cells. The water from these berries is used to make herbal face packs.
  • It prevents you from falling sick or getting throat infections or cough or cold.
  • They decrease blood pressure and are effective to reduce cholesterol. In fact doctors suggest drinking a glass of raspberry juice everyday to reduce the bad cholesterol levels.

About black raspberries

Apart from being an extremely nutritious fruit, it also helps in weight loss. Did you know that Raspberry is a native fruit of North America? It grows wildly in several parts of the United States in warmer weather conditions. After discovering the several health benefits of black raspberries, now it is being grown in farms in a controlled environment. Black raspberries also grow in other parts of the world like New Zealand, Australia and India. In countries like India and China, the ingredients of black raspberries are used for traditional medicines.

Methods to use raspberries

Many people find raspberries very delicious, however some people get put off by the strong sour taste of the fruit. If you’re looking to stay healthy by including this fruit in your daily diet, you can consume black raspberries in the following ways:

  • Mix a bowl of chopped berries in your breakfast cereal
  • You can also use chopped berries in salads and appetizers
  • Drink a glass of raspberry juice in the mornings
  • Use it is a filling for pies, muffins, cakes and tarts
  • Fill up bits of raspberry in your ice cream bowl during summers