He Who Runs in Snow….

By Brisdon @shutuprun

Confucius say lots of things. He who stand on toilet is high on pot. He who walk through airport door sideways is going to Bangkok.

Yet, one of Confucius’ truest and most popular sayings:

He/she who run uphill in snow is slow. Clever.
He/she who run in snow have icicle butt. Clever also.

Running in snow can be a total body workout yet be rather tricky. But, here’s why you need to do it (If you live somewhere warm where it doesn’t snow just find some quicksand).

The Benefits:

  1. You get outside. While the first mile or so can be mentally challenging and a physical shock (feel free to use the “f” word), you will then warm up and get into a groove.
  2. Snow running gives you an added cardiovascular benefit (which is a nice way of saying it is freaking difficult at times – almost like running in sand).
  3. Snow running builds stabilization muscles, all the way from ankles to hips.
  4. Anyone who sees you out there running will think you are a badass.

How To Do It To Maximize The Workout And To Not Fall On Your Face:

Make sure you are running with good form. Overstriding and poor traction make it more likely you will fall. If you overstride (i.e., land with your leg out in front of you), you can lose your balance, as you are putting your center of mass ahead of you. Make sure your feet are landing below your hips.

What Gear You’ll Need To Make It Easier:

  1. Trail shoes can provide a bit of added traction and protection.
  2. Find an older pair of running shoes and put screws in the bottom of them for a better grip (for a tutorial, check out this video).
  3. If you’re not into the screw thing (who isn’t into that??) try a pair of Yaktrax. For really tough conditions, consider snowshoes.
  4. Use Vaseline to protect skin from the elements (but only if it’s cloudy. If it’s sunny, this could cause you to burn. In that case, just use a good sunscreen).
  5. Wear a brimmed hat and glasses for extra protection.
  6. Have some Fireball whiskey or peppermint schnapps available immediately post-run for your après-run party.

Snow (not ice) vs. treadmill. Who wins? Snow every time.

When was your last snowy run? Sunday. In slow motion.