He Wants To Go On Holiday With His Ex

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

My partner split with his ex-girlfriend nearly 3 years ago and we have been in a very loving relationship ourselves, his ex is still obviously in love with him and wants him back. My partner’s sister even says she is clinging on to all she can. She sees him as much as she can, texts, calls, everything.

Even the day after I had a miscarriage he went to see his little boy and they went for a family meal together at a pub, the three of them.

This weekend, only a couple of weeks after I had a miscarriage, they decided to take their little boy on a camping trip together. I feel really hurt and my friends say that it is weird that exes would do that. I completely trust him and know that he loves me, but I feel really hurt.

I am feeling so emotionally vulnerable and upset that he would go and leave me, (he knows I have been really low and at times suicidal because of the miscarriage. An ambulance was called for me, I was in a lot of pain and lost a lot of blood) afterwards.

He is going on a “holiday” with his ex, yes, I know that his 4 year old will be there too, but it doesn’t seem right to me that he is going away with her too. He is perfectly capable of taking him away alone.

She also keeps on about how he is her best friend, constantly texting him and calling him. He has told her not to, but she still does, and she won’t let go. Can exes be best friends? Am I not meant to be the best friend he has, as his lover, wife and friend?

Also when he has contact with his son, she insists on being there too. She has no concerns for his ability to look after his little boy, she just enjoys the “family” time of having meals and going out on shopping trips with my partner. Even on Tuesday when he was meant to be seeing his son, they had a meal together then too.

I was so upset at him leaving me (I did not tell him not to go, I left it entirely up to him, hoping he would do the right thing, but he knew I was not happy about it.

Even his sister had said to him, it was not a good idea, and completely inconsiderate of me and our relationship to be going away overnight with his ex, despite his son being there) I have ended our relationship.

I don’t feel we will ever have an us, it will always be, he, I and her. A triangle, I don’t want a marriage with her in it too.

Am I being selfish to want him to myself?

His little boy is adorable, and I would never ever begrudge a child time with its father. As far as I am concerned he could have his little boy every day, as long as she isn’t there too.

Am I overreacting?

I have had other friends say they don’t know how I put up with it.

That there is no way on this planet they would let or like their partner go on a trip with their ex, little one there or not. But I feel like I am being a bitch. I am not normally a jealous person.

It has taken me a lot to trust him, as I have been severely abused mentally and physically in the past. Yet I love him and trust him with everything in my being. I just don’t trust her. I know how she feels for him, how she wants him.

She is so manipulative and uses their son as an emotional pawn all the time. to the point that one day he turned round to me and said he wished he had, had him with me and not her, and that he wished he had never got with her.

I really don’t know what to do. I hate the thought that I am being unreasonable and being a bitch. I am struggling to come to terms with our loss, and I really need him right now.

This just can’t go on anymore as it will drive me crazy. Can you blog readers give me any advice?

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