"He Has a Capacity to Forget"

Posted on the 17 March 2013 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

Pope Francis' homily, given today in Vatican City's parish church dedicated to St. Anne, the mother of the mother of Christ, on the oft repeated story of the woman caught in adultery and those who want to stone her is good on a number of fronts but watch him here, watch his passion, watch his sincerity, watch his zeal, particularly for the mercy of God, what he calls "the Lord's most powerful message" and ponder the possibility of walking away unaffected.  

It's a 6 minute homily and picks up after the first couple of minutes or so... brother can you spare the time?

This Pope's election by God's Holy Spirit seems increasingly clearer, thank almighty God.

Via Frank Weathers who adds:

Stony hearts cannot listen to Pope Francis, and not be softened. I know this, because he makes my heart melt.

Our icy hearts need melting.

Come Holy Spirit, through your papal servant Francis and melt our hearts.