HD on EBB in the OED

By Drharrietd @drharrietd

As some of you undoubtedly know, Simon of that great blog stuck-in-a-book has recently started working on the blog which lives on the website of the Oxford English Dictionary. I've always enjoyed reading the OED blog so I was really delighted to be invited to write a guest post on Elizabeth Barrett Browning. I can't claim to be a great expert on EBB, but having taught Victorian Women's Writing for a number of years I was willing to give her a go, especially when Simon piqued my interest by telling me she was the fifth most quoted women in the OED's illustrative quotations. So I did it, and it went live today, and here it is. I'd love to take credit for the title, 'A-tremble and dimplement',  but Simon did that too. Nice one. 

And, by the way, today is her birthday!