HBO Turns 40: The Network’s Greatest TV Shows Ever

Posted on the 02 December 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

HBO turns 40 this month and in honor of this achievement, DigitalSpy has shared the top 12 HBO TV shows that have ever aired on the channel.

This is what they said;

HBO celebrates its 40th birthday this month. It’s an occasion that all TV fans should rejoice and raise a toast to, because without HBO the world of telly would be a less colourful, less imaginative and poorer place.

From its early groundbreaking and influential cult hits Oz and The Larry Sanders Show to the big budget, cinematic eye-boggling hits of today (Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire), HBO very rarely has a misfire when it comes to making TV shows.

The Sopranos and The Wire, the network’s most famous creations, changed the way TV bosses, viewers and writers worked and put TV on a level with film for the very first time.

Whether you’ve wanted comedy (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Flight of the Conchords), glamour (Sex and the City), dark gloom (Deadwood) or just some sexy vampires (True Blood), HBO has had something for everyone.

AMC and Showtime may now be going head-to-head with hits such as Mad Men, The Walking Dead and Homeland, but HBO was the trailblazer and one of the first to truly prove the potential of small screen drama.


Of course, True Blood is mentioned; but what’s even better is…they show a picture of Alexander Skarsgård and Anna Paquin as Eric and Sookie in their gallery of pictures; and said they star in the vampire drama True Blood!  Check it out! They’re in picture #10!

HBO has been around for 40 years?  WOW!

Somehow we’re not surprised that True Blood is one of HBO’s greatest TV shows EVER! Nothing left to say…other than, “Happy Birthday HBO!”

Thoughts or best wishes? Share ‘em below!