HbA1c a Important Test for Diabetes

Posted on the 19 May 2014 by Health_news

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases faced generally by many adults. In some less frequent cases, children or even infants are diagnosed with this metabolic disorder. This is one ailment where a person is found to have higher amounts of sugar in the blood stream. Higher blood sugar results in increased frequency of urination and increased bouts of thirst or hunger. People affected by diabetes are categorized into three groups. One of the group called as Type 1, refers to patients having absence of insulin producing mechanism in the body. Another group known as Type 2, refers to people, who have insufficient production of insulin or whose cells do not react to insulin. This type is found to be most prevalent worldwide in all age groups. A third category called Gestational Diabetes is found in pregnant women, caused by complex reactions in their body. Persons diagnosed with diabetes are required to undergo some regular and some occasional tests to determine the severity of their disorder and for deciding corrective medication or treatment. HbA1c is one such test meant for them.

This glycated hemoglobin test is carried out on people to find out how an individual reacted to diabetes controlling measures in last six to twelve weeks. Hemoglobin is a substance present in all red blood cells in the human body. The main function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen to all parts of the human body through the blood circulation cycle. When the sugar in the diabetes affected person is not controlled and is present in higher proportions, the excess sugar tends to get attached to hemoglobin. Subsequent to the attachment, the hemoglobin is termed as ‘glycated’. The HbA1c test essentially determines the extent of glycated hemoglobin.  HbA1c is different from normal blood sugar tests.  Blood sugar tests give sugar concentration in the blood at that particular point of time.  The results of such tests can be misleading as momentary or situational changes in conducting the tests. HbA1c utilizes averages over longer periods and hence the results carry greater importance in medical terminology. A typical HbA1c test involves taking a blood sample from the person’s arm. The analysis of the blood sample in a laboratory can take about a day.

The results of this test determine prevalence and extent of severity of diabetes.  HbA1c, if found in the range of 4.0 % – 5.8 % is considered safe. The tested person can be termed as non-diabetic.  If the percentage is in the range of 5.9 % – 6.4 %, then the person is facing higher risk of diabetes. A figure of 6.5 % would mean confirmed diabetic needing increased medical attention. Studies have indicated that figures beyond 7.0 % indicate that the diabetic situation can lead to further complications. Status of anemia, the existence of a kidney or liver malfunction or presence or vitamin C or E supplements, higher cholesterol levels can adversely affect the results of this test. In case of such situations, thorough body check up is recommended, before arriving at definite conclusions.

People are expected to carry out this test at least once in every three months. Those who find encouraging results of limiting their HbA1c values, thereby indicating controlled diabetes, can extend their time intervals of testing. However the tests must be carried out at least once in six months, even in such situations. People who care about their health should follow the proper regimen of HbA1c testing to rid of complications.