Not long ago I read a wonderful book entitled '
Keynes Hayek: The Clash That Defined Modern Economics' by Nicholas Wapshott. I happened to notice this lovely contribution to the literary world while browsing one of my favorite corners of Chapters and just had to pick it up, and then devour immediately. The economic debate between these two men has gone on well past the lives of both of them, and is something I'm extremely interested in, being the dork that I am. The book goes well beyond just the debate itself, however; it also focuses on the men themselves, their lives, and how they interacted with each other as ideas spread during a rough period in history, and beyond. I honestly could not put it down when I started it, and I do recommend it for anyone who is also interested in such things.
Being a believer in Austrian economic thought myself, I do side with Hayek in the debate, but I wont go into the details of that at the moment. What I did want to do was share these highly entertaining videos from John Papola and Russ Roberts of
EconoStories, who found a fun way to share this debate with the world. Check them out below:
"Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem:
Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two:
Be sure to check out for more from these guys.