Having Fun With Voutsa!

By Therelishedroost

What is Voutsa you might ask? It is a really cool wallpaper company that I found at the Architectural Digest Home Show!  The booth immediately drew me right in with all the colors and bold design, plus the owner George Venson had the coolest shirt on which was done in one of the patterns of his wall coverings. 
The wall coverings are playful and yet pretty, in some cases they may even push the envelope if paired with a bold furniture scheme.  I love wall coverings so any artistic take on coverings is fine by me.  
I must say that I especially loved the Lotus Flowers, the Lips and the Chinoiserie pattern but really all of it is quite creative and eye catching. Please take some time to check out this company it's located in NYC and I hope that we see a fabric line someday as well..hint..hint...George! Go here Voutsa!

George Venson- Check out the shirt!!

 Below are photos from the show that I took so you could see the vivid colors used and the bold graphics!

A little fun that I had with Polyvore and Voutsa Wallcovering!