Having Babies

By Phoenixwriter @naesnest



Oh! Did you feel that?

Here, give me your hand.

Right there! OH!

“Did you feel it? There it went again”


Smiles and tears were shed

Crying for the first kick

Just the beginning of all the first

The joys of a first time mother at work


The first smile

The first tooth

The first step

The first baby rattle

The first word

The first tantrum

The first potty

The first turd


Oh the joys of being a mom

Sweet little baby in my arms

Wouldn’t trade it for the moon

OH! They grow up way too soon


Baby Dear, please go to sleep

Sweet lil monster I adore

Midnight drives and pacing the floor

Up all night, in need of peace


Screaming still , you baby beast

Small little baby, he is no more

He is now the eldest of four

Has friends over, up all night

Stays in bed way past noon

Wakes up hungry, big appetite

Grabs a soda and pastry

Wants the car, Where’s the keys?

Throws a fit, He can’t have the car

Mom needs to go to Wal-Mart

He claims he’s treated like a baby

Mom said No to drive him crazy

Why was he born, he wants to know?

Mom replies that was years ago

When she thought  babies

Fulfilled her dreams,

How young she was and not very bright

Having babies sacrificed life!

Love them, bathe them, wipe their butts

They grow into teens and hate your guts

OH the joys of motherhood

Wishing they would hurry and grow up

Renee Robinson

