Have You Ever Really Read the Can Or Label, Before You Sprayed?

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

I think that most people just grab the can and spray and since I’m in the biz, I just wanted to make sure everyone is aware of how dangerous that is. Look at all the stories about people that Do It Yourself (DIY) and almost blow themselves or their family/neighbors into the next world. For example what if the product contained a petroleum  solvent which could explode or cause damage to other products or surfaces.

Story time – I remember sometime ago when I first learned how to use my favorite pest control tool, the bellows duster. I was dusting a wall outlet and in those days, the duster was made out of metal – apparently I got to close to the terminals and almost electrocuted myself. I learned a valuable lesson – I installed a plastic small hose to the end – that won’t happen again. The lesson here is that I was able to learn from that experience, what would have happened if I had inserted a spray into a void and there was flame – boom. I could have killed myself, so I’m thankful it was just sparks and a jolt.

So please read and understand the product you are using, I want you to be safe and grow old.