Have you discovered LOCKERZ yet? If not, today is your lucky day! Lockerz is a place to put all of your favorite things, find inspiration, love items, shop with points you earn just for posting and loving things and more!
For me it is a place to store items and ideas I want to remember and have easy access too. For example, when I am in the nail salon to get a manicure and trying to describe in words what I want and no one gets it. You've been there right, it is so frustrating. (this is where I met the Nail Nazi, but that is another story!)
All I have to do is open my Lockerz on my phone and voila! there are all of my favorite nail ideas! Check it out, a picture is worth a thousand words! You can see my whole collection here...
Or let's say I want the newest Christian Louboutin's and know that that ain't happenin!! But in any store I may be able to find an impostor that I can afford and again voila! I open my locker and there are all of my favs at my finger tips!! You can see my whole collection here...