Have You Been to These Bizarre Places?

By Kash Pals @wizmagic1

This list is going to be big. Huge actually. And I won't add a description. Plus I will add some known places too if I find them worth mentioning. If you are comfortable with this, only then proceed further. Thanks


Located to the north a little bit of white desert, formed by the erosion of the mountains to cover the surface of the desert with a layer of powder and black rocks and this was called the black desert, and there at the end of volcanic hills black chronicling on the outbreak of volcanic material dark dubbed "Duliraat" This is due to formation black Rock.

The Danakil Depression in Ethiopia.

Located in the north of the Afar Triangle, a geological depression formed by tectonic plates that are slowly ripping the earth apart, the Danakil Depression is very low in altitude (about 100 meters below sea level), dry (rain is extremely rare) and hot - so hot that it's famous for being the hottest place on earth in terms of year round average temperatures. Moreover, reaching it requires a day-long drive through the desert, which is both expensive and exhaustively uncomfortable. But it's worth the effort because this area holds invaluable treasures for the avid photographer. [ Source]

Lake Retba or Lac Rose Or Pink Lake lies north of the Cap Vert peninsula of Senegal, some 30 km north-east of the capital, Dakar in north-west Africa. It is named for its pink waters caused by Dunaliella salina algae and is known for its high salt content, up to 40% in some areas. [ Source]

Victoria Falls is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Devil's Pool is adjacent to the famous Livingstone Island situated on the edge of the Victoria Falls. [ Source]

To be continued...

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