Have Designs on

Posted on the 22 June 2022 by Idioms


  1. to have a plan or secret desire to get something.
  2. contrive a secret plot or scheme, especially with selfish motives.
  3. to want a sexual relationship or want to date someone.
  4. make a secret plot or scheme, usually with selfish intentions.
  5. to pursue something or someone for selfish reasons.
  6. take someone or something for yourself.

Examples in Sentences

  1. I knew he had designs on my job the first time I saw him.
  2. I can see you have designs on Anna.
  3. The thieves had designs on the marchioness' jewellery.
  4. Agatha has designs on Jimmy, and she plans to marry him soon.
  5. France has had designs on Belgium's territory from the beginning.
  6. I think she has designs on my science project for the purpose of showing me down.


The phrase " to have designs on" or "to have a design on" comes from the term "design." In the 1580s, the word "design" was used to mean "a scheme or plan in the mind." In 1704, it was used to mean an intention to act in some particular way, mainly used to mean to do something harmful or illegal.

The meaning is more closely related to the Italian verb disegnare, which became popular in the 16th century.

The word "disegnare" was used to mean "to plot, contrive, or intend." This led to the negative connotation behind the phrase " have designs on."