Have A Little Faith in “Have a Little Faith”

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni

Confession: I am not a regular church-goer. Though I am Catholic, I often find myself wishing I got more out of a Catholic mass. This is not an easy thing to admit out loud—or on a blog. But I wouldn’t want to make a habit of deceiving my readers by telling untruths.

This statement, however, does not mean that I do not have faith. Nor does it mean I do not believe in God or His hand in things. I do believe.

In fact, I can find God’s hand in the most beautiful places. In my children’s faces and in the faces of those people I love. I see God in my friends and students. I saw God when I looked out across the ocean and into the horizon this past week in Palm Beach as I reflected that only God could make a place where ocean meets sky, where kids running around on sand brings joy. and where iguanas and geckos could walk around under my feet harmlessly whilst I read and allowed my body to get some much needed Vitamin D.

I definitely have faith.

And now I have even more.

I know I’m a little late to the game, but Mitch Albom’s nonfiction book was at the top of my pile of “must reads” while on vacation. “Have A Little Faith,” a book Oprah deemed the “best nonfiction book of 2009,” is a wonderful story that Mr. Albom tells of two men of faith, The “Reb,” a Jewish rabbi who wanted Mr. Albom to give his euology, and Henry, a Christian minister. Told by Mr. Albom, the two stories run parallel to each other, and I thoroughly recommend it to anyone who already has faith, needs a little faith, or just has questions about faith. Mr. Albom shows us distinctly that we are not alone in our wonders of the universe and God. He questions the rabbi with whom he meets often over an eight-year period. They have insightful discussions, and the rabbi opens our eyes to his thoughts on God and his belief in Heaven.

I’m a fan of Mr. Albom’s writing. I read “Tuesdays with Morrie,” and last year on vacation, I read “The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” which my summer Interpersonal Communication class had to read as well. Mr. Albom’s writing has momentum and moves us along; I found myself wanting desperately to know what happened to these people, and how Mitch’s faith altered and intensified from knowing the two men pretty intimately.

Albom is Jewish; his wife is not. Therefore, it’s not at all surprising that he can tell a story and be open-minded to both perspectives. But ultimately what you will be left with is what a kind man the Reb was…and how patient and loving he was to all members of his congregation, as well as his friends and family. This statement goes for Henry as well, though his commitment to his church came much later in life than the Reb’s did.

Nevertheless, I think you will enjoy this story, and it may even make you think about things a little differently than you had before.