As anyone who knows me knows, I'm a massive Harry Potter nerd. I've loved the books since I was seven and have spent most of my life growing up alongside Harry, Ron and Hermione. The short story behind this is I went to see the theater show; Harry Potter and the Cursed Child with my brother in December, and naturally I went a little bit crazy in the gift shop #sorrynotsorry.
Keeping in line with J.K. Rowling's request to #keepthesecrets I won't be spoiling anything in this post, which kind of makes it tricky to talk in depth about each item or show certain photographs of the programs, but I'll give it my best shot.
The one thing I will stress is to not be put off by just reading the script book alone. I was on the fence after reading it initially and felt a bit let down. However, this really is just a whole other experience that if you can see it, then jump at it and grab those tickets. Every little detail from the sets, lighting, audio, choreography and of course the acting is (excuse the pun) utterly magical. I have no shame in admitting I legitimately sobbed like a baby from the second the lights went down, all the way through parts 1 and 2 and then all the way back to the hotel after. Much to my poor brother's horror as apparently "I was being really uncool."
So without me rabbiting on any longer, here's what
Thanks for reading,love Jade x