Hate Site Taken Down

Posted on the 15 April 2014 by Calvinthedog


I figured it would go down. The last activity there was on April 6, 9 days ago. I would love to comply with this idiot’s directives so he won’t make fun of me anymore, but how do I go about doing it? It’s obvious that he thinks just about everything I write about everything is ridiculous and stupid. Therefore, I really do not see how someone like this can be accommodated. Really, all of this comes from lunatic Bigfooters, and they all hate me because I believe that Rick Dyer killed a Bigfoot. That is really all it is about.

There is not a lot of activity at this stupid site either, also run by insane moronic Bigfooters. They too hate me because I believe Rick and for no other reason. They were stealing a lot of my copy so I filed a DMCA takedown order against them and got most of the copyright-infringing material removed.